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How Can I Improve My Networking Skills?

Written by Simera Talent | Jan 4, 2023 8:28:49 PM

Networking is a crucial aspect of career development and can often be the key to finding new job opportunities, building valuable professional relationships, and advancing in your field. However, the traditional approaches to networking – such as attending industry events and exchanging business cards – can feel forced and inauthentic to many people.

If you struggle with the idea of networking or have had unsuccessful experiences in the past, try a novel and distinctive approach to improving your networking skills.

Let's examine some ways to strengthen your networking abilities!

Be authentic

One way to approach networking more authentically and genuinely is to build relationships rather than just trying to collect as many contacts as possible. Instead of trying to impress people with your achievements or asking for favors right away, try to get to know them as people and find common ground. 

You can ask relevant questions, show genuine interest in their lives and careers, and offer help or advice.

Engage with people

Another way to improve your networking skills is to get involved in your community and engage with people outside your immediate professional circle. This can be as simple as volunteering for a local non-profit organization or joining a club or hobby group. 

You can expand your network more organic and meaningfully by interacting with people from different backgrounds and industries. Plus, volunteering and getting involved in your community is a great way to give back and make a positive impact, which can be personally fulfilling and may also lead to unexpected opportunities down the line.

- Attend virtual events and conferences

Many professional events and conferences now have virtual components, which can be a great way to connect with people remotely. Look for online events or conferences related to your field and actively participate and engage with other attendees.

- Join a coworking space

Coworking spaces are shared office spaces where people from different companies and industries can work together in a collaborative environment. Many coworking spaces offer virtual memberships, which allow you to participate in online events and connect with other members remotely. This can be a great way to meet new people and build your network.

Be proactive

In addition to building relationships and getting involved in your community, it's crucial to be proactive and take the initiative to reach out to potential connections. This can be intimidating, but you can use a few strategies to make it feel more natural. 

One approach is to ask for informational interviews through casual conversations with people in your field of interest, where you can learn more about their career path and gain valuable insights and advice. Informational interviews are a low-pressure way to connect and can often lead to more opportunities down the line.

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Use social media

Another way to proactively network is to use social media to connect with people in your industry. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for this, but you can also use Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms to connect with a potential networking contact and join online groups or communities related to your field. 

Use these resources to find and connect with people who work remotely or have experience working remotely. You can also join online groups or communities related to your field or area of interest, participate in discussions, or join virtual events or workshops.

Just be sure to keep your online presence professional and respect people's time and boundaries.

Think outside the box

Finally, feel free to think outside the box regarding networking. There are many unconventional ways to make connections and find new opportunities, such as joining a coworking space, attending meetups or hackathons, or even hosting your own events or workshops. 

The key is to be open to new experiences and be willing to put yourself out there. Improving your networking skills doesn't have to involve uncomfortable talks and exchanging business cards at industry events.

What skills does networking require?

Many struggle with successful networking during their remote job search because they don't know what skills it requires or how to approach people.

Let's discuss some of the most valuable skills you must acquire to build a network properly.

Communication skills

First and foremost, networking requires the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. This means articulating your goals, professional and personal interests, and strengths in a compelling and relevant way to your audience.

To improve your communication skills, practice speaking in front of a mirror or with a friend, and consider taking a public speaking or presentation skills course.

Relationship building skills

Networking requires the ability to build and maintain relationships. This means following up with people after meeting them, staying in touch, and being there for them when they need support or advice.

To build and maintain relationships, try sending a direct message or email after meeting someone new.

Adaptability skills

Another important networking skill is the ability to be adaptable and open to new experiences. This means being willing to try new things, meet new people, and step outside your comfort zone.

To develop this skill, try attending events outside your usual interests.

Persistency skills

Finally, networking requires the ability to be persistent and resilient. Building a solid network takes time and effort, and it's essential to have a positive attitude, be patient and continue reaching out to people even if you don't get a response immediately.

To develop this skill, try setting small, achievable goals for yourself, such as meeting one new person each week, and be persistent in your efforts to achieve them.

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How can I build successful relationships with my network?

Building successful business relationships is not always easy, and it can be incredibly challenging if you struggle with social interactions.

Let's explore some strategies for building successful professional relationships to help you succeed in your career.

Build rapport

One of the keys to building successful professional relationships is to focus on building rapport and finding common ground with others. This means being genuinely interested in people and showing a sincere desire to get to know them as individuals.

To build rapport, try asking open-ended questions, listening actively, and showing empathy and understanding. You can also look for ways to connect with people outside of work.

Conflict management

Another key to building successful professional relationships is managing and resolving conflicts productively and respectfully. This means addressing problems and differences of opinion fairly and considering the needs of all parties involved.

To improve your conflict management skills, try practicing active listening and empathy, staying calm and focused, and being open to compromise.

Open minded

Finally, successful professional relationships require being open to new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities and being willing to change course or pivot when necessary.

To develop this skill, try stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges, such as joining a new project or team or learning a new skill.

What not to do when trying to network

A professional network allows you to develop relationships, share ideas, and access new opportunities. However, there are certain things you should avoid if you want to build a solid and effective professional network.

Don't just talk about yourself

When networking, it's essential to listen to the other person and show an interest in what they have to say. Don't just talk about yourself or your accomplishments. Instead, try to build a genuine connection with the other person.

Don't be overly aggressive

Being proactive when networking is essential, but you don't want to come across as pushy or aggressive. Respect other people's boundaries, and don't try to force a relationship.

Don't neglect your existing network

While building new relationships is crucial, don't neglect the people you already know. Keep in touch with your existing network and make an effort to strengthen those relationships.

Don't be a "no show"

If you agree to meet someone for networking, follow through. Not showing up for a meeting or failing to respond to their message sends a poor message and can damage your reputation.

Don't be a "one-and-done"

Networking is a long-term process, and building relationships takes time. Don't just try to get something from someone and never follow up. Instead, try to stay in touch and nurture the relationship over time.

Overall, building a professional network requires effort and a bit of finesse. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can effectively build and maintain a strong network that will benefit you throughout your career.

How to network if you are shy or introverted

Networking can be challenging and intimidating, especially for naturally shy or introverted people.

If you are shy or introverted but want to learn how to connect with people effectively, here are a few networking tips that may be helpful:

Identify your goals

Before you start networking, knowing what you want to achieve is essential. Do you want to meet potential clients or partners? Do you want to learn more about a particular industry? Clear goals can help you focus efforts and make the most of your networking opportunities.

Prepare an "elevator pitch"

An elevator pitch is a concise summary of who you are and what you do. It's called an "elevator pitch" because it should be short enough to deliver in the time it takes to ride an elevator. Having a well-prepared elevator pitch can help you introduce yourself effectively when networking.

Attend networking events that match your interests

There are many networking events, so finding those that match your interests and goals is essential. This can make the experience more enjoyable and help you feel more comfortable.

Take a friend or colleague with you

If you're nervous about attending a networking event alone, consider bringing a friend or colleague. This can help you feel more comfortable and give you someone to talk to if you feel awkward.

Utilize the internet

If you're uncomfortable with face-to-face networking, you can also use social media to connect with others in your industry. o connect with others in your field and share your work and ideas.

Join a professional association

Professional associations are a great way to meet others in your field and build your network. Many associations offer regular meetings, events, and opportunities to get involved and take on leadership roles.

Practice making small talk

Small talk is essential to networking and helps break the ice and build rapport with others. Practice making small talk by asking open-ended questions, listening actively, and being interested in what the other person says.

Be yourself

Above all, it's essential to be yourself when networking. Don't try to be someone you're not, as people will be able to tell. Instead, be genuine and let your personality shine through.

Networking can be intimidating for those who are shy or introverted, but with a bit of preparation and effort, it's possible to build a solid and effective professional network.

How to improve your professional communication skills

Whether you're interacting with colleagues, clients, or stakeholders, communicating clearly and effectively can help you build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and achieve your goals.

Let's see how to improve your professional communication skills and make a positive impact on your career.

Body language

One way to improve your professional communication skills is to focus on your body language and nonverbal cues. Your body language can convey much information and impact how others perceive you and your message.

To improve your body language, maintain good eye contact, use open and relaxed body posture, and pay attention to your facial expressions and gestures.


Another way to improve your professional communication skills is to be an active listener. Active listening skills not only help you build relationships but also helps you learn and grow as a professional.

Active listening involves paying attention to what others say, asking clarifying questions, and showing that you understand and value their perspective.

To be an active listener, try to avoid interrupting, make eye contact, and show that you are engaged in the conversation.


In addition to body language and active listening, effective professional communication requires articulating your ideas and goals clearly and concisely.

This means using appropriate language for your audience, logically organizing your thoughts and ideas, and avoiding jargon or technical language that might be confusing or off-putting.

To improve your verbal communication skills, try practicing with a friend or in front of a mirror, and consider taking a course in public speaking or presentation skills.

Write effectively

Another critical aspect of professional communication is the ability to write effectively. This means crafting clear and concise emails, reports, and other written materials that are easy to understand and free of errors.

To improve your writing skills, try eliminating unnecessary words and phrases, using active voice, and varying sentence structure. You can also consider taking a course in professional writing or working with a writing tutor or mentor.


Finally, effective professional communication requires adapting your communication style to different situations and audiences. This means adjusting your language, tone, and body language to suit your audience's context and needs.

To improve your adaptability, try to be open to new perspectives and be willing to try different approaches to see what works best.

In conclusion, networking is a crucial skill for professionals in any field, and it requires a combination of social, communication, and relationship-building skills.

To improve your networking skills and acquire business contacts, it is vital to be proactive in seeking out and building connections, and to be respectful and genuine in your interactions with others. It is also important to be aware of common pitfalls to avoid, such as coming across as self-centered or manipulative.

If you are shy or introverted, it can be helpful to focus on building more profound, more meaningful relationships rather than trying to meet as many people as possible, and to practice your communication skills through activities such as public speaking or joining a networking group.

By following these tips and continually working on your networking skills, you can build a solid and successful professional network that will benefit you throughout your career.

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